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Bases: NamedTuple

Metadata required to determine the true start and end pages of a given pdf Path. Although in a collection of pages there is a logical start and end page, i.e. page 1 and the final page of a document, in Court documents this sometimes does not correspond to the actual start and end of the content.

Field Type Description
start_index int The zero-based integer x, i.e. get specific pdfplumber.pages[x]
start_page_num int The 1-based integer to describe human-readable page number signifying the true content start
start_indicator PositionDecisionCategoryWriter or PositionNotice Marking the start of the content proper
end_page_num int The 1-based integer to describe human-readable page number signifying the true content end
end_page_pos float, int y-axis position in the end_page_num
Source code in corpus_unpdf/
class PositionMeta(NamedTuple):
    """Metadata required to determine the true start and end pages of a given pdf Path.  Although in a collection of pages
    there is a logical start and end page, i.e. page 1 and the final page of a document, in Court documents this sometimes
    does not correspond to the actual start and end of the content.

    Field | Type | Description
    `start_index` | int | The zero-based integer `x`, i.e. get specific `pdfplumber.pages[x]`
    `start_page_num` | int | The 1-based integer to describe human-readable page number signifying the true content start
    `start_indicator` | [PositionDecisionCategoryWriter][decision-category-writer] or [PositionNotice][notice] | Marking the start of the content proper
    `end_page_num` | int | The 1-based integer to describe human-readable page number signifying the true content end
    `end_page_pos` | float, int | _y-axis_ position in the `end_page_num`
    """  # noqa: E501

    start_index: int
    start_indicator: PositionDecisionCategoryWriter | PositionNotice
    start_page_num: int
    end_page_num: int
    end_page_pos: float | int

    def prep(cls, path: Path):
        if not (starter := get_start_page_pos(path)):
            raise Exception("Could not detect start of content.")

        index, start_indicator = starter
        if not start_indicator:
            raise Exception("Could not detect start indicator.")

        ender = get_end_page_pos(path)
        if not ender:
            raise Exception("Could not detect end of content.")
        end_page_num, end_page_pos = ender

        return cls(
            start_page_num=index + 1,

Terminal Start: Page, Position

The actual start of content depends on either the detection of a Notice or a Category

This requires searching the page from start to finish, via start_ocr.get_pages_and_imgs()


Python Console Session
>>> x = Path().cwd() / "tests" / "data" / "notice.pdf"
>>> res = get_start_page_pos(x)
>>> type(res[0])
<class 'int'>
>>> res[0]
>>> type(res[1])
<class 'corpus_unpdf._markers.PositionNotice'>


Name Type Description Default
path Path

Path to the PDF file.



Type Description
tuple[int, PositionNotice | PositionDecisionCategoryWriter | None] | None

tuple[int, PositionNotice | PositionDecisionCategoryWriter | None] | None: The zero-based index of the page (i.e. 0 = page 1), the marker found that signifies start of the content

Source code in corpus_unpdf/
def get_start_page_pos(
    path: Path,
) -> tuple[int, PositionNotice | PositionDecisionCategoryWriter | None] | None:
    """The actual start of content depends on either the detection of a
    `Notice` or a `Category`

    This requires searching the page from start to finish, via

        >>> x = Path().cwd() / "tests" / "data" / "notice.pdf"
        >>> res = get_start_page_pos(x)
        >>> type(res[0])
        <class 'int'>
        >>> res[0]
        >>> type(res[1])
        <class 'corpus_unpdf._markers.PositionNotice'>

        path (Path): Path to the PDF file.

        tuple[int, PositionNotice | PositionDecisionCategoryWriter | None] | None:
            The zero-based index of the page (i.e. 0 = page 1), the marker found that
            signifies start of the content
    for page, im in get_pages_and_imgs(path):
        index = page.page_number - 1  # represents the 0-based index
        _, im_w, _ = im.shape
        MIDPOINT = im_w / 2
        for cnt in get_contours(im, (30, 30)):
            x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt)
            one_liner = h < 100
            x_start_mid = x < MIDPOINT
            x_end_mid = (x + w) > MIDPOINT
            short_width = 200 < w < 800
            if all([one_liner, x_start_mid, x_end_mid, short_width]):
                sliced = im[y : y + h, x : x + w]
                # cv2.rectangle(im, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (36, 255, 12), 3)
                # print(f"{x=}, {y=}, {w=}, {h=}")
                if is_match_text(sliced, "notice"):
                    return index, PositionNotice.extract(im)
                elif is_match_text(sliced, "decision"):
                    return index, PositionDecisionCategoryWriter.extract(im)
                elif is_match_text(sliced, "resolution"):
                    return index, PositionDecisionCategoryWriter.extract(im)
        # cv2.imwrite(f"temp/sample_boxes-{page.page_number}.png", im)
    return None

Terminal End: Page Number, Position

The actual end of content depends on either two pieces of text: the Ordered clause or By Authority of the Court

This requires searching the page in reverse, via get_reverse_pages_and_imgs() since the above pieces of text indicate the end of the content.


Python Console Session
>>> from import Page
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> import pdfplumber
>>> x = Path().cwd() / "tests" / "data" / "notice.pdf"
>>> get_end_page_pos(x) # page 5, y-axis 80.88
(5, 80.88)

Also see snippets for debugging:

debug with print(f"{x=}, {y=}, {w=}, {h=}, {y_pos=} {candidate=}")
cv2.rectangle(im, (x,y), (x+w, y+h), (36, 255, 12), 3) # for each mark
cv2.imwrite("temp/sample_boxes.png", im); see cv2.rectangle # end of forloop


Name Type Description Default
path Path

Path to the PDF file.



Type Description
tuple[int, int] | None

tuple[int, int] | None: The page number from pdfplumber.pages, the Y position of that page

Source code in corpus_unpdf/
def get_end_page_pos(path: Path) -> tuple[int, int] | None:
    """The actual end of content depends on either two pieces of text:
    the `Ordered` clause or `By Authority of the Court`

    This requires searching the page in reverse, via
    `get_reverse_pages_and_imgs()` since the above pieces of text
    indicate the end of the content.

        >>> from import Page
        >>> from pathlib import Path
        >>> import pdfplumber
        >>> x = Path().cwd() / "tests" / "data" / "notice.pdf"
        >>> get_end_page_pos(x) # page 5, y-axis 80.88
        (5, 80.88)

    Also see snippets for debugging:

    debug with print(f"{x=}, {y=}, {w=}, {h=}, {y_pos=} {candidate=}")
    cv2.rectangle(im, (x,y), (x+w, y+h), (36, 255, 12), 3) # for each mark
    cv2.imwrite("temp/sample_boxes.png", im); see cv2.rectangle # end of forloop

        path (Path): Path to the PDF file.

        tuple[int, int] | None: The page number from pdfplumber.pages, the Y position
            of that page
    for page, im in get_reverse_pages_and_imgs(path):
        im_h, im_w, _ = im.shape
        MIDPOINT = im_w / 2
        for cnt in get_contours(im, (30, 30)):
            x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt)
            sliced_im = im[y : y + h, x : x + w]
            output = page.page_number, (y / im_h) * page.height
            if h < 100:
                if x < MIDPOINT:
                    if is_match_text(
                        return output
                elif x > MIDPOINT:
                    if is_match_text(
                        return output
    return None