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Faking a <select> with <ul hidden role='listbox'>

Data source

nuances on what appears in the template blueprint if using Enum types as choices in a listbox:


  1. {{form.field.value}} is an integer
  2. {{field.value.label}} is the human-readable text


  1. {{field.value.label}} will result in None
  2. {{field.value}} is the human-readable text

It's possible to use get_FOO_display() but with respect to this fake <select> implementation, only the BoundField is passed to the template fragment.

Required Blueprint

Javascript checks
document.querySelector(id) // (1)

// Hidden field + label (2)
document.querySelector(`#${id} > select[hidden]`)
document.querySelector(`#${id} label`)

// Button with text (3)
document.querySelector(`#${id} button`)
document.querySelector(`#${id} button > span`)

// Listbox options (4)
document.querySelector(`#${id} ul[hidden][role=listbox]`)
document.querySelectorAll(`#${id} ul[hidden][role=listbox] > li`)
  1. The container will contain component DOM nodes
  2. Should contain direct child <select hidden> and associated <label> (need not be a direct child)
  3. Child <button> with a direct child <span>
  4. Child <ul hidden role='listbox'> with direct children <li>

Sample + Implementation

{# the js requirement #}
<script src="{% static 'doDropCommon.js' %}"></script> {# (1) #}
<script src="{% static 'doDropSelect.js' %}"></script> {# (2) #}

{# idx refers to required container id with components #}
{# note the invocation via hyperscript _ #}
<div id="{{idx}}" _="on load js doSelect('{{idx}}') end end">

  {# django_widget_tweaks to supply 'hidden' #}
  {# can also modify 'hidden' from Form widget attrs #}
  {{ field }}

  {# the label requirement #}
  {{ field.label_tag }}

  {# the button requirement #}

  {# the list requirement #}
  <ul hidden role="listbox">
    {% for choice in field.field.choices %}
      <li data-key="{{choice.0|default:'None'}}" data-value="{{choice.1}}">
      </li> {# note: required data-* attributes in each option #}
    {% endfor %}
  1. Common script to both menubar and listbox
  2. Specific script enabling doSelect()

Selector Styling

When an <li> on the listbox receives :focus:

  1. aria-selected='true' appears on <li>.
  2. aria-selected='false' is set on the other <li>
  3. aria-activedescendant appears on <ul> pointing to the auto-generated id of <li>.

These can then be used as a selector to style the focused element.