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  1. sqlite-utils data management
  2. Pydantic data validation

Data will (later) be deployed to a specific Datasette project: LawData for use in LawSQL(


In handling data that persists, we'll be using two layers of code:

Layer Dimension
App sqlite-utils + Pydantic
Database sqlite

Though sqlite features are frequently evolving, see json1, fts5, etc., it lacks a more robust validation mechanism. Pydantic would be useful to: (a) clean and validate a model's fields prior to database insertion; and (b) reuse extracted data from the database. Since the database query syntax (SQL) is different from the app syntax (python), a useful bridge is sqlite-utils which allows us, via this package, to use pre-defined Pydantic field attributes as a means of creating dynamic SQL statements.

Put another way, this is an attempt to integrate the two tools so that the models declared in Pydantic can be consumed directly by sqlite-utils.

The opinionated use of default configurations is intended for a specific project. Later on, may consider making this more general in scope.


Connect to a database declared by an .env file through a DB_FILE variable, e.g.


With the .env file created, the following sqlite sqlpyd.Connection object gets a typed Table:

>>> from sqlpyd import Connection
>>> from sqlite_utils.db import Table

>>> conn = Connection()  # will use .env file's DB_FILE value
>>> conn.db["test_table"].insert({"text": "hello-world"}, pk="id")  # will contain a db object
>>> isinstance(conn.tbl("test_table"), Table)

There appears to be movement to make sqlite-utils more type-friendly, see issue.


Generic Pydantic Model

Let's assume a generic pydantic BaseModel with a non-primitive field like suffix and gender:

# see sqlpyd/
class Gender(str, Enum):
    male = "male"
    female = "female"
    other = "unspecified"

class Suffix(str, Enum):
    jr = "Jr."
    sr = "Sr."
    third = "III"
    fourth = "IV"
    fifth = "V"
    sixth = "VI"

class IndividualBio(BaseModel):
    first_name: str = Field(None, max_length=50)
    last_name: str = Field(None, max_length=50)
    suffix: Suffix | None = Field(None, max_length=4)
    nick_name: str = Field(None, max_length=50)
    gender: Gender | None = Field(Gender.other)

    class Config:
        use_enum_values = True

With the BaseModel, we can get the types directly using:

>>> IndividualBio.__annotations__
    "first_name": str,
    "last_name": str,
    "suffix": sqlpyd.__main__.Suffix | None,  # is non-primitive / optional
    "nick_name": str,
    "gender": sqlpyd.__main__.Gender | None,  # is non-primitive  / optional

Using the sqlite-utils convention of creating tables, this will throw an error:

>>> from sqlpyd import Connection  # thin wrapper over sqlite-utils Database()

>>> conn = Connection(DatabasePath="created.db")
>>> conn.db["test_tbl"].create(columns=IndividualBio.__annotations__)
KeyError: sqlpyd.__main__.Suffix | None

Data Modelling & Input Validation

We could rewrite the needed columns and use sqlite-utils:

        "first_name": str,
        "last_name": str,
        "suffix": str,
        "nick_name": str,
        "gender": str,
# <Table test_tbl (first_name, last_name, suffix, nick_name, gender)>

But we can also modify the initial Pydantic model and co-inherit from sqlpyd.TableConfig, to wit:

class RegularName(
):  # separated the name to add a clear pre-root validator, note addition to field attributes
    full_name: str | None = Field(None, col=str, fts=True, index=True)
    first_name: str = Field(..., max_length=50, col=str, fts=True)
    last_name: str = Field(..., max_length=50, col=str, fts=True, index=True)
    suffix: Suffix | None = Field(None, max_length=4, col=str)

    class Config:
        use_enum_values = True

    def set_full_name(cls, values):
        if not values.get("full_name"):
            first = values.get("first_name")
            last = values.get("last_name")
            if first and last:
                values["full_name"] = f"{first} {last}"
                if sfx := values.get("suffix"):
                    values["full_name"] += f", {sfx}"
        return values

class IndividualBio(
    RegularName, TableConfig
):  # mandatory step:  inherit from TableConfig (which inherits from BaseModel)
    __tablename__ = "person_tbl"  # optional: may declare a tablename
    __indexes__ = [["first_name", "last_name"]]  # optional: may declare joined indexes
    nick_name: str | None = Field(None, max_length=50, col=str, fts=True)
    gender: Gender | None = Field(Gender.other, max_length=15, col=str)

    @validator("gender", pre=True)
    def lower_cased_gender(cls, v):
        return Gender(v.lower()) if v else None

With this setup, we can use the connection to create the table. Note that the primary key id is auto-generated in this scenario:

>>> conn = Connection(DatabasePath="test.db", WAL=False)
>>> conn.create_table(IndividualBio)
<Table person_tbl (id, full_name, first_name, last_name, suffix, nick_name, gender)>
>>> person2 = {  # dict
    "first_name": "Jane",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "suffix": None,
    "gender": "FEMALE",  # all caps
    "nick_name": "Jany",
>>> IndividualBio.__validators__  # note that we created a validator for 'gender'
{'gender': [<pydantic.class_validators.Validator object at 0x10c497510>]}
>>> IndividualBio.__pre_root_validators__()  # we also have one to create a 'full_name'
[<function RegularName.set_full_name at 0x10c4b43a0>]
>>> tbl = conn.add_record(IndividualBio, person2)  # under the hood, the dict is instantiated to a Pydantic model and the resulting `tbl` value is an sqlite-utils Table
>>> assert list(tbl.rows) == [
        "id": 1,  # auto-generated
        "full_name": "Jane Doe",  # since the model contains a pre root-validator, it adds a full name
        "first_name": "Jane",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "suffix": None,
        "nick_name": "Jany",
        "gender": "female",  # since the model contains a validator, it cleans the same prior to database entry


sqlite-utils is a far more powerful solution than the limited subset of features provided here. Again, this abstraction is for the purpose of easily reusing the functionality for a specific project rather than for something more generalized.

Columns In General

Using col in the Pydantic Field signals the need to add the field to an sqlite database table:

conn = Connection(DatabasePath="test.db", WAL=False)
kls = IndividualBio
tbl = conn.db[kls.__tablename__]
cols = kls.extract_cols(kls.__fields__)  # possible fields to use
{'first_name': str,
 'last_name': str,
 'suffix': str,
 'nick_name': str,
 'gender': str}
tbl.create(cols)  # customize tablename and column types
# <Table individual_bio_tbl (first_name, last_name, suffix, nick_name, gender)>

Primary Key

To auto-generate, use the TableConfig.config_tbl() helper. It auto-creates the id field as an int-based primary key.

Note: if an id is declared as a str in the pydantic model, the str declaration takes precedence over the implicit int default.

conn = Connection(DatabasePath="test_db.db")
kls = IndividualBio
tbl = conn.db[kls.__tablename__]
tbl_created = kls.config_tbl(tbl=tbl, cols=kls.__fields__)
# <Table individual_bio_tbl (id, first_name, last_name, suffix, nick_name, gender)> # id now added

This results in the following sql schema:

CREATE TABLE [individual_bio_tbl] (
   [id] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, -- added as integer since no field specified
   [first_name] TEXT NOT NULL, -- required via Pydantic's ...
   [last_name] TEXT NOT NULL, -- required via Pydantic's ...
   [suffix] TEXT,
   [nick_name] TEXT,
   [gender] TEXT

Full-Text Search (fts) Fields

Since we indicated, in the above declaration of Fields, that some columns are to be used for fts, we enable sqlite-utils to auto-generate the tables required. This makes possible the prescribed approach of querying fts tables:

# Using the same variable for `tbl` described above, can yield a query string, viz.
print(tbl.search_sql(columns=["first_name", "last_name"]))


with original as (
    from [individual_bio_tbl]
    join [individual_bio_tbl_fts] on [original].rowid = [individual_bio_tbl_fts].rowid
    [individual_bio_tbl_fts] match :query
order by

Foreign Keys

To add foreign keys, can use the fk attribute on a ModelField, assigning the same to a 2-tuple, e.g.:

class GroupedIndividuals(TableConfig):
    __tablename__ = "grouping_tbl"
    __indexes__ = [["member_id", "name"]]

    name: str = Field(..., max_length=50, col=str)
    member_id: int = Field(
        ..., col=int, fk=(IndividualBio.__tablename__, "id"), index=True

Parts of fk tuple:

  • The first part of the fk tuple is the referenced table name X.
  • The second part of the fk tuple is the id of X.

So in the above example, member_id, the Pydantic field, is constrained to the "id" column of the table "individual_bio_tbl"


Note that we can add an index to each field as well with a boolean True to a ModelField attribute index. In case we want to use a combination of columns for the index, can include this when subclassing TableConfig:

class GroupedIndividuals(TableConfig):
    __tablename__ = "grouping_tbl"
    __indexes__ = [["member_id", "name"]]  # follow sqlite-utils convention

When combined, the sql generated amounts to the following:

CREATE TABLE [grouping_tbl] (
   [name] TEXT NOT NULL,
   [member_id] INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES [individual_bio_tbl]([id])
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [idx_grouping_tbl_member_id]
    ON [grouping_tbl] ([member_id]);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [idx_grouping_tbl_name_member_id]
    ON [grouping_tbl] ([name], [member_id]);


Connection API

Bases: BaseSettings

Thin wrapper over sqlite-utils.Database (which itself wraps around sqlite3.connect) with some convenience methods.

Source code in sqlpyd/
class Connection(BaseSettings):
    Thin wrapper over `sqlite-utils.Database`
    (which itself wraps around `sqlite3.connect`)
    with some convenience methods.

    DatabasePath: str | None = Field(
        description="Intended / existing path to db from present working dir.",
    WAL: bool | None = Field(False, title="Write Ahead Logging.")

    class Config:
        env_file = ".env"
        env_file_encoding = "utf-8"

    def path_to_db(self) -> Path | None:
        if self.DatabasePath:
            return Path().cwd().joinpath(self.DatabasePath)
        return None

    def db(self) -> Database:
        if self.path_to_db:
            obj = Database(self.path_to_db, use_counts_table=True)
            if self.WAL:
            return obj
        return Database(filename_or_conn=None, memory=True)

    def session(self) -> Iterator[sqlite3.Cursor]:
        conn = self.db.conn
        cur = conn.cursor()
        yield cur

    def tbl(self, table_name: str) -> Table:
        """Should use string represented by kls.__tablename__
        to retrieve the table instance.

            table_name (str): The name of the sqlite table.

            Exception: No table found.

            Table: The sqlite-utils.db Table instance.
        tbl = self.db.table(table_name)
        if isinstance(tbl, Table):
            return tbl
        raise Exception(f"No {tbl=}")

    def table(self, kls) -> Table:
        """Using the TableConfig kls to retrieve the table instance."""
        if not issubclass(kls, TableConfig):
            raise NotImplementedError(f"{kls} must be a TableConfig.")
        tbl_obj = self.db.table(kls.__tablename__)
        if tbl_obj.exists() and isinstance(tbl_obj, Table):
            return tbl_obj
        raise Exception(f"No {tbl_obj=}")

    def create_table(self, kls: Any) -> Table:
        """Create a `TableConfig` table, if it doesn't exist yet,
        having attributes declared in the `kls`.

            kls (Any): Assumes that `kls` is a subclass of `TableConfig`.

            NotImplementedError: The `kls` is invalid.

            Table: The sqlite-utils.db Table instance.
        if not issubclass(kls, TableConfig):
            raise NotImplementedError(f"{kls} must be a TableConfig.")
        return kls.config_tbl(self.tbl(kls.__tablename__))

    def add_record(self, kls: Any, item: dict) -> Table:
        """With a TableConfig `kls` (that is representing or should represent
        an sqlite table), add a record to the same which will be cleaned via
        Pydantic prior to being inserted by sqlite-utils.

            kls (Any): preconfigured `TableConfig` entity
            item (dict): Raw data representing fields that match the `kls`

            Table: The sqlite-utils.db Table instance.
        return self.create_table(kls).insert(

    def add_records(
        self, kls, items: Iterable[dict] | Iterator[dict]
    ) -> Table:
        """With a TableConfig `kls` (that is representing or should represent
        an sqlite table), add multiple records to the same which will be
        cleaned via Pydantic prior to being inserted by sqlite-utils.

            kls (Any): preconfigured `TableConfig` entity
            items (Iterable[dict] | Iterator[dict]): Each item matches `kls`

            Table: _description_
        return self.create_table(kls).insert_all(
            kls(**item).dict(exclude_none=True) for item in items

    def add_cleaned_records(
        self, kls, items: Iterable[Any] | Iterator[Any]
    ) -> Table:
        """Compare this with `add_records()`. If records have already been
        previously validated, no need for a deserialization step.

            kls (Any): preconfigured `TableConfig` entity
            items (Iterable[dict] | Iterator[dict]): Each item matches `kls`

            Table: _description_
        return self.create_table(kls).insert_all(
            i.dict(exclude_none=True) for i in items


add_cleaned_records(kls, items)

Compare this with add_records(). If records have already been previously validated, no need for a deserialization step.


Name Type Description Default
kls Any

preconfigured TableConfig entity

items Iterable[dict] | Iterator[dict]

Each item matches kls



Name Type Description
Table Table


Source code in sqlpyd/
def add_cleaned_records(
    self, kls, items: Iterable[Any] | Iterator[Any]
) -> Table:
    """Compare this with `add_records()`. If records have already been
    previously validated, no need for a deserialization step.

        kls (Any): preconfigured `TableConfig` entity
        items (Iterable[dict] | Iterator[dict]): Each item matches `kls`

        Table: _description_
    return self.create_table(kls).insert_all(
        i.dict(exclude_none=True) for i in items
add_record(kls, item)

With a TableConfig kls (that is representing or should represent an sqlite table), add a record to the same which will be cleaned via Pydantic prior to being inserted by sqlite-utils.


Name Type Description Default
kls Any

preconfigured TableConfig entity

item dict

Raw data representing fields that match the kls



Name Type Description
Table Table

The sqlite-utils.db Table instance.

Source code in sqlpyd/
def add_record(self, kls: Any, item: dict) -> Table:
    """With a TableConfig `kls` (that is representing or should represent
    an sqlite table), add a record to the same which will be cleaned via
    Pydantic prior to being inserted by sqlite-utils.

        kls (Any): preconfigured `TableConfig` entity
        item (dict): Raw data representing fields that match the `kls`

        Table: The sqlite-utils.db Table instance.
    return self.create_table(kls).insert(
add_records(kls, items)

With a TableConfig kls (that is representing or should represent an sqlite table), add multiple records to the same which will be cleaned via Pydantic prior to being inserted by sqlite-utils.


Name Type Description Default
kls Any

preconfigured TableConfig entity

items Iterable[dict] | Iterator[dict]

Each item matches kls



Name Type Description
Table Table


Source code in sqlpyd/
def add_records(
    self, kls, items: Iterable[dict] | Iterator[dict]
) -> Table:
    """With a TableConfig `kls` (that is representing or should represent
    an sqlite table), add multiple records to the same which will be
    cleaned via Pydantic prior to being inserted by sqlite-utils.

        kls (Any): preconfigured `TableConfig` entity
        items (Iterable[dict] | Iterator[dict]): Each item matches `kls`

        Table: _description_
    return self.create_table(kls).insert_all(
        kls(**item).dict(exclude_none=True) for item in items

Create a TableConfig table, if it doesn't exist yet, having attributes declared in the kls.


Name Type Description Default
kls Any

Assumes that kls is a subclass of TableConfig.



Type Description

The kls is invalid.


Name Type Description
Table Table

The sqlite-utils.db Table instance.

Source code in sqlpyd/
def create_table(self, kls: Any) -> Table:
    """Create a `TableConfig` table, if it doesn't exist yet,
    having attributes declared in the `kls`.

        kls (Any): Assumes that `kls` is a subclass of `TableConfig`.

        NotImplementedError: The `kls` is invalid.

        Table: The sqlite-utils.db Table instance.
    if not issubclass(kls, TableConfig):
        raise NotImplementedError(f"{kls} must be a TableConfig.")
    return kls.config_tbl(self.tbl(kls.__tablename__))

Using the TableConfig kls to retrieve the table instance.

Source code in sqlpyd/
def table(self, kls) -> Table:
    """Using the TableConfig kls to retrieve the table instance."""
    if not issubclass(kls, TableConfig):
        raise NotImplementedError(f"{kls} must be a TableConfig.")
    tbl_obj = self.db.table(kls.__tablename__)
    if tbl_obj.exists() and isinstance(tbl_obj, Table):
        return tbl_obj
    raise Exception(f"No {tbl_obj=}")

Should use string represented by kls.tablename to retrieve the table instance.


Name Type Description Default
table_name str

The name of the sqlite table.



Type Description

No table found.


Name Type Description
Table Table

The sqlite-utils.db Table instance.

Source code in sqlpyd/
def tbl(self, table_name: str) -> Table:
    """Should use string represented by kls.__tablename__
    to retrieve the table instance.

        table_name (str): The name of the sqlite table.

        Exception: No table found.

        Table: The sqlite-utils.db Table instance.
    tbl = self.db.table(table_name)
    if isinstance(tbl, Table):
        return tbl
    raise Exception(f"No {tbl=}")

TableConfig API

Bases: BaseModel

Adds custom pydantic.Field attributes:

Attribute Value Function
col str, int, etc. Accepts a primitive Python type understandable by sqlite-utils
fk tuple[str, str] First value: the name of the table in sqlite and; second value: name of column representing the foreign key in said table
fts bool If True, a full-text-search counterpart table is created including said column
index bool If True, the column is created with an sqlite index`
required bool If True, the column is deemed essential to instantiation

This enables the construction of an sqlite-utils-designed table.

Note that __indexes__ as a ClassVar refers to a list of Iterables that can be used as indexes to the table,based on the sqlite-utils convention. Defaults to None.

Source code in sqlpyd/
class TableConfig(BaseModel):
    """Adds custom `pydantic.Field` attributes:

    Attribute | Value | Function
    `col` | `str`, `int`, etc. | Accepts a primitive Python type understandable by `sqlite-utils`
    `fk` | tuple[str, str] | First value: the name of the table in sqlite and; second value: name of column representing the foreign key in said table
    `fts` | `bool` | If True, a full-text-search counterpart table is created including said column
    `index` | `bool` | If True, the column is created with an sqlite index`
    `required` | `bool` | If True, the column is deemed essential to instantiation

    This enables the construction of an `sqlite-utils`-designed table.

    Note that `__indexes__` as a `ClassVar` refers to a list of Iterables that can be used as
    indexes to the table,based on the sqlite-utils convention.
    Defaults to None.
    """  # noqa: E501

    __prefix__: ClassVar[str] = "db"
    __tablename__: ClassVar[str]
    __indexes__: ClassVar[list[Iterable[str | DescIndex]] | None] = None

    def __init_subclass__(cls):
        if not hasattr(cls, "__tablename__"):
            msg = "Must explicitly declare a __tablename__ for TableConfig"
            raise NotImplementedError(f"{msg} {cls=}.")
        cls.__tablename__ = "_".join(
            [cls.__prefix__, "tbl", cls.__tablename__]

    def config_tbl(cls, tbl: Table) -> Table:
        """Using pydantic fields, generate an sqlite db table via
        `sqlite-utils` conventions.

        Each `pydantic.BaseModel` will have a __fields__ attribute,
        which is a dictionary of `ModelField` values.

        Each of these fields assigned a `col` attribute
        will be extracted from the ModelField.

        The extract will enable further processing on the field such
        as introspecting the `fk`, `fts`, and `index` attributes.

        For more complex indexes, the `idxs` attribute can be supplied
        following the `sqlite-utils` convention.

            Table: An sqlite-utils Table object.
        if tbl.exists():
            return tbl

        cols = cls.__fields__
        created_tbl = tbl.create(
            column_order=["id"],  # make id the first

        single_indexes = cls._indexes(cols)
        if single_indexes:
            for idx1 in single_indexes:
                tbl.create_index(columns=idx1, if_not_exists=True)

        if cls.__indexes__:
            for idx2 in cls.__indexes__:
                if not isinstance(idx2, Iterable):
                    msg = f"{idx2=} must follow sqlite-utils convention."
                    raise Exception(msg)
                if len(list(idx2)) == 1:
                    msg = "If single column index, use index= attribute."
                    raise Exception(msg)
                tbl.create_index(columns=idx2, if_not_exists=True)

        if fts_cols := cls._fts(cols):

        return created_tbl

    def extract_model_fields(
        cls, fields_data: dict[str, ModelField]
    ) -> Iterator[tuple[str, ModelField]]:
        """Loop through the ModelField to extract included 2-tuples.
        The first part of the tuple is the name of the field,
        the second part is the ModelField.

            fields_data (dict[str, ModelField]): _description_

            Iterator[tuple[str, ModelField]]: _description_
        _pydantic_fields = [{k: v} for k, v in fields_data.items()]
        for field in _pydantic_fields:
            for k, v in field.items():
                if not v.field_info.exclude:  # implies inclusion
                    yield (k.lower(), v)  # all keys are lower-cased

    def extract_cols(
        cls, fields_data: dict[str, ModelField]
    ) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """If a `col` attribute is declared in the ModelField,
        e.g. `name: str = Field(col=str)`, extract it.

        Note this makes the the `id` field an `int` type by default.
        But if an `id` field exists in the parent model and this is
        set to a different type, e.g. `str`, this overrides the default `id`
        previously set as an `int`.

            fields_data (dict[str, ModelField]): Pydantic field

            dict[str, Any]: A mapping to be used later sqlite-utils
        cols: dict[str, Any] = {}
        cols["id"]: int  # type: ignore
        for k, v in cls.extract_model_fields(fields_data):
            if sqlite_type := v.field_info.extra.get("col"):
                cols[k] = sqlite_type
        return cols

    def _fts(cls, fields_data: dict[str, ModelField]) -> list[str]:
        """If `fts` attribute in ModelField is set, extract."""
        cols: list[str] = []
        for k, v in cls.extract_model_fields(fields_data):
            if v.field_info.extra.get("fts", False):
        return cols

    def _fks(
        cls, fields_data: dict[str, ModelField]
    ) -> list[tuple[str, str, str]] | None:
        """If `fk` attribute in ModelField is set, extract."""
        fk_tuples: list[tuple[str, str, str]] = []
        for k, v in cls.extract_model_fields(fields_data):
            if fk := v.field_info.extra.get("fk"):
                if isinstance(fk, tuple):
                    fk_setup = (k, fk[0], fk[1])
        return fk_tuples or None

    def _indexes(
        cls, fields_data: dict[str, ModelField]
    ) -> list[list[str]] | None:
        """If `index` attribute in ModelField is set, extract."""
        cols: list[list[str]] = []
        for k, v in cls.extract_model_fields(fields_data):
            if idx := v.field_info.extra.get("index"):
                if isinstance(idx, bool) and idx is True:
        return cols or None

    def _not_nulls(cls, fields_data: dict[str, ModelField]) -> set[str]:
        """If `required` in the ModelField is `True`
        and the field has not been `excluded`, extract.
        cols: set[str] = set()
        for k, v in cls.extract_model_fields(fields_data):
            if v.required:  # both values (required, exclude) are boolean
        return cols


config_tbl(tbl) classmethod

Using pydantic fields, generate an sqlite db table via sqlite-utils conventions.

Each pydantic.BaseModel will have a fields attribute, which is a dictionary of ModelField values.

Each of these fields assigned a col attribute will be extracted from the ModelField.

The extract will enable further processing on the field such as introspecting the fk, fts, and index attributes.

For more complex indexes, the idxs attribute can be supplied following the sqlite-utils convention.


Name Type Description
Table Table

An sqlite-utils Table object.

Source code in sqlpyd/
def config_tbl(cls, tbl: Table) -> Table:
    """Using pydantic fields, generate an sqlite db table via
    `sqlite-utils` conventions.

    Each `pydantic.BaseModel` will have a __fields__ attribute,
    which is a dictionary of `ModelField` values.

    Each of these fields assigned a `col` attribute
    will be extracted from the ModelField.

    The extract will enable further processing on the field such
    as introspecting the `fk`, `fts`, and `index` attributes.

    For more complex indexes, the `idxs` attribute can be supplied
    following the `sqlite-utils` convention.

        Table: An sqlite-utils Table object.
    if tbl.exists():
        return tbl

    cols = cls.__fields__
    created_tbl = tbl.create(
        column_order=["id"],  # make id the first

    single_indexes = cls._indexes(cols)
    if single_indexes:
        for idx1 in single_indexes:
            tbl.create_index(columns=idx1, if_not_exists=True)

    if cls.__indexes__:
        for idx2 in cls.__indexes__:
            if not isinstance(idx2, Iterable):
                msg = f"{idx2=} must follow sqlite-utils convention."
                raise Exception(msg)
            if len(list(idx2)) == 1:
                msg = "If single column index, use index= attribute."
                raise Exception(msg)
            tbl.create_index(columns=idx2, if_not_exists=True)

    if fts_cols := cls._fts(cols):

    return created_tbl
extract_cols(fields_data) classmethod

If a col attribute is declared in the ModelField, e.g. name: str = Field(col=str), extract it.

Note this makes the the id field an int type by default. But if an id field exists in the parent model and this is set to a different type, e.g. str, this overrides the default id previously set as an int.


Name Type Description Default
fields_data dict[str, ModelField]

Pydantic field



Type Description
dict[str, Any]

dict[str, Any]: A mapping to be used later sqlite-utils

Source code in sqlpyd/
def extract_cols(
    cls, fields_data: dict[str, ModelField]
) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """If a `col` attribute is declared in the ModelField,
    e.g. `name: str = Field(col=str)`, extract it.

    Note this makes the the `id` field an `int` type by default.
    But if an `id` field exists in the parent model and this is
    set to a different type, e.g. `str`, this overrides the default `id`
    previously set as an `int`.

        fields_data (dict[str, ModelField]): Pydantic field

        dict[str, Any]: A mapping to be used later sqlite-utils
    cols: dict[str, Any] = {}
    cols["id"]: int  # type: ignore
    for k, v in cls.extract_model_fields(fields_data):
        if sqlite_type := v.field_info.extra.get("col"):
            cols[k] = sqlite_type
    return cols
extract_model_fields(fields_data) classmethod

Loop through the ModelField to extract included 2-tuples. The first part of the tuple is the name of the field, the second part is the ModelField.


Name Type Description Default
fields_data dict[str, ModelField]




Type Description
Iterator[tuple[str, ModelField]]

Iterator[tuple[str, ModelField]]: description

Source code in sqlpyd/
def extract_model_fields(
    cls, fields_data: dict[str, ModelField]
) -> Iterator[tuple[str, ModelField]]:
    """Loop through the ModelField to extract included 2-tuples.
    The first part of the tuple is the name of the field,
    the second part is the ModelField.

        fields_data (dict[str, ModelField]): _description_

        Iterator[tuple[str, ModelField]]: _description_
    _pydantic_fields = [{k: v} for k, v in fields_data.items()]
    for field in _pydantic_fields:
        for k, v in field.items():
            if not v.field_info.exclude:  # implies inclusion
                yield (k.lower(), v)  # all keys are lower-cased