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  1. Public deployment
    1. Signing up for a cloud service, see Will Vincent's summary of options
    2. Rolling out your own server.
  2. Integrating a remote database
    1. Syncing the remote database with a local version, or a partial segment of it
    2. Ensuring the backup mechanism works
    3. Checking the backup mechanism regularly
  3. Reviewing user interactions which ought to be guarded
    1. Cache mechanisms
    2. Rate limiting
    3. User spam
    4. File uploads
  4. Being more deliberate with secrets, e.g.
    1. Managing their existence
    2. Limiting hosts
  5. Establishing remote logs
  6. Focusing more on devops than the actual app created with

Command Runner

Requires: fly.toml pre-configured, 1password-based secret references

Deploy app + database with staged decrets

just fly <deployable> <config>
Inject a specific compose.yml with secrets
# just set_secrets
op inject -i ./deploy/ -o ./deploy/
fly secrets --app {{deployable}} import < ./deploy/ --stage
rm ./deploy/

# just deploy
poetry export -f requirements.txt \
  --without-hashes \
  --output src/requirements.txt

fly deploy \
  --app {{deployable}} \
  --config ./deploy/{{config}}/fly.toml \
  --dockerfile ./deploy/{{config}}/Dockerfile

Stage secrets pre-deploy

just set_secrets <deployable>
Inject a specific compose.yml with secrets
op inject -i ./deploy/ -o ./deploy/
fly secrets --app {{deployable}} import < ./deploy/ --stage
rm ./deploy/

Deploy app with db

just deploy <deployable> <config>

Text Only
```sh title="Inject a specific compose.yml with secrets"
poetry export -f requirements.txt \
  --without-hashes \
  --output src/requirements.txt

fly deploy \
  --app {{deployable}} \
  --config ./deploy/{{config}}/fly.toml \
  --dockerfile ./deploy/{{config}}/Dockerfile