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Conventions Adopted

Notable elements

Element Description
alert-hq Identifies the global notification area DOM node for showing Django-based messages. See messages.
background_<verb_noun> Function name convention using a prefix background_ denotes a process, described by <verb_noun>, to be undertaken in the background to avoid delaying the request-response cycle. See background tasks.
_<template-name>.html Filename convention using an prefix _ denotes partial template fragment

htmx-based Views

Aspect Convention Signifies What Example
prefix view_ view_ generic HttpResponse view_whatever retrieves full page TemplateResponse
prefix hx_ htmx-styled request/response hx_personal_data_get retrieves partial HTML fragment containing EditPersonalData form
suffix _get implies hx_ prefixed <form method=GET> views hx_personal_data_get (see above) shows unbound form
suffix _post implies hx_ prefixed <form method=POST> views hx_personal_data_post accepts bound hx_personal_data_get form

Functional View Code Style

from django.http.request import HttpRequest # applied typing
from django.template.response import TemplateResponse # applied typing
from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache
from django.views.decorators.http import require_GET

@never_cache # sample use of cache decorator
@require_GET # explicit vs. implicit
def view_whatever(request: HttpRequest, whatever: str) -> TemplateResponse:
    ctx = {"key": "some_value"} # include context variables in template.html
    res = TemplateResponse(request, "templates/template.html", ctx) # one-liner
    res['HX-Trigger'] = "SOMETHING" # enables modifying response before rendering
    return res # compare delayed res vs. `return render(request, template, ctx)`

URL Patterns

from django.urls import path
from django.urls.resolvers import URLPattern # applied typing

from .views import view_whatever, hx_personal_data_post

app_name = "profiles" # namespaced urls
urlpatterns: list[URLPattern] = [
    # explicit use of path function arguments; trailing comma
        route="name_bio/post", # ends in form method
        view=hx_personal_data_post, # same as name, if possible