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Serve Image + Variants via Cloudflare Images

Cloudflare Images is a Paid Service

With $5/month per 100k images stored and $1/month per 100k images delivered, this shaves off time I'd otherwise spend rolling out my own image service to serve, format, modify images in the cloud.

Why Cloudflare Images

See invocation to get a flexible server-generated image from Cloudflare:

Arbitrary variant
<img src="{{profile.image_url|variant:'w=200'}}" alt="{{alt}}"> {# (1) #}
  1. Creates a flexible server-side variant

I can define a named variant, e.g. avatar to refer to 240x240 pixels in the Cloudflare dashboard. This will ensure all images are sized with certain dimensions:

Named variant
<img src="{{profile.image_url|variant:'avatar'}}" alt="{{alt}}">> {# (1) #}
  1. Create a pre-defined server-side variant

I find $60/year a justifiable price to pay to not handle image management on the web for all my projects.

ImageField Storage

Uses 4.2 Storage Class

See thin wrapper over Cloudflare Images v1 via separate library that I built. Relatedly, since this makes use of a third-party API for I/O, I use huey for this background task of uploading the image.

When ENV_NAME is dev, user avatars will be stored in the /src/mediafiles. In non-dev environments, it will use the custom Storage Class.

def select_storage(): # (1)
    if settings.ENV_NAME == "dev":
        return storages["default"]
    return storages["cloudflare_images"]

class Profile(TimeStampedModel):
    image = models.ImageField(storage=select_storage) # (2)
  1. Actually select_storage() is found in profiles/ but is included here for context.
  2. See this convention in reference.
See definition of LimitedStorageCloudflareImages used by select_storage()

The definition is sourced from a separate package I made for this purpose.

See cloudflare-images
class LimitedStorageCloudflareImages(Storage):
  def __init__(self):
      self.api = CloudflareImagesAPIv1()

  def __repr__(self):
      return "<LimitedToImagesStorageClassCloudflare>"

  def _open(self, name: str, mode="rb") -> File:
      return File(self.api.get(img_id=name), name=name)

  def _save(self, name: str, content: bytes) -> str:
      timestamp =
      res ="{name}/{timestamp}", content)
      return self.api.url(img_id=res.json()["result"]["id"])

  def get_valid_name(self, name):
      return name

  def get_available_name(self, name, max_length=None):
      return self.generate_filename(name)

  def generate_filename(self, filename):
      return filename

  def delete(self, name) -> httpx.Response:
      return self.api.delete(name)

  def exists(self, name: str) -> bool:
      res = self.api.get(name)
      if res.status_code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND:
          return False
      elif res.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK:
          return True
      raise Exception("Image name found but http status code is not OK.")

  def listdir(self, path):
      raise NotImplementedError(
          "subclasses of Storage must provide a listdir() method"

  def size(self, name: str):
      return len(self.api.get(name).content)

  def url(self, name: str):
      return self.api.url(name)

  def url_variant(self, name: str, variant: str):
      return self.api.url(name, variant)

  def get_accessed_time(self, name):
      raise NotImplementedError(
          "subclasses of Storage must provide a get_accessed_time() method"

  def get_created_time(self, name):
      raise NotImplementedError(
          "subclasses of Storage must provide a get_created_time() method"

  def get_modified_time(self, name):
      raise NotImplementedError(
          "subclasses of Storage must provide a get_modified_time() method"

Cloudflare Images Setup

It's a fairly straightforward process to create a Cloudflare Account.

Visit the Cloudflare Images tab in the dashboard, procure secrets and add them into the .env file.

Values are stored in raw text format
Actual values are stored in 1password

See same discussion on secret references in Social Auth setup.