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Setup Overview


Project structure
├── src/ # main project folder
    ├── data/ # where sqlite database should be stored
    ├── config/ # project named config
        ├── settings/
            ├── # switch env: dev | test | prod
            ├── # django_allauth, postmark email
            ├── # base settings
    ├── static/
    ├── profiles/ # custom user + profile model app, manages user settings
    ├── pages/ # legalase + userconsent, basic pages, UI components
    ├── scripts/ # entrypoint for compose.yml, fly.toml
    ├── templates/ # contains base.html
        ├── account/ # overrides django-allauth html templates
        ├── socialaccount/ # overrides django-allauth html templates
        ├── svg/ # used by django-fragments
    ├── tests/ # with pytest-django
    ├── # management command


Aspect Scenario Configuration Expected Result
Defaults to sqlite. If postgres desired, ensure DATABASE_URL setup in .env before running just start Local postgres instance used
Emails default to stdout Setup Postmark (note, only 100/free per month) Transactional emails (and the contact form) will use Postmark to deliver emails
Images use local file storage system Setup Cloudflare Images (note, $5 per month) Images uploaded/changed will be stored in Cloudflare Images
Social auth errors out, e.g. "Cannot encode None for key 'client_id' in a query string. Did you mean to pass an empty string or omit the value?" Setup Google env vars, Github env vars User can use Google and Github to signup without creating a password
Background processes default to {"immediate": True}, i.e. no worker queue Use either ENV_NAME 'test' or 'prod'


Transactional emails , remote storage , social auth will not yet be cloud-ready until configured. If setting up these services for the first time, can expect this to take 15min to an hour. When addressed, .env can be populated with relevant key-value pairs:

Expected .env file values
# for transactional emails

# recipient email address for contact form

# sender email address for transactional emails, configured with postmark

# django-allauth social auth with google as provider

# django-allauth social auth with github as provider

# cloudflare images as storage class

op:// is a convention for secret references in .env. Unnecessary if you don't use 1Password; can be replaced directly by explicit values, e.g. DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=i-am-a-value.