Key Libraries
Library | Rationale | Notes |
pdfplumber | pdf to img to str | Requires Wand , Pillow , pdfminer.six ; Wand is dependent on libmagickwand-dev for APT on Debian/Ubuntu and imagemagick via homebrew Mac. |
opencv-python | img manipulation | Wrapper around OpenCV to apply changes to pdf-based images so that it can be prepared for OCR. |
pytesseract | from img to str | From the repo: Python-tesseract is a wrapper for Google's Tesseract-OCR Engine. It is also useful as a stand-alone invocation script to tesseract, as it can read all image types supported by the Pillow and Leptonica imaging libraries, including jpeg, png, gif, bmp, tiff, and others. Additionally, if used as a script, Python-tesseract will print the recognized text instead of writing it to a file. |
Local Device
Install common libraries in MacOS with homebrew
The last command shows the local folder where imagemagick is installed.
==> imagemagick: stable 7.1.1-17 (bottled), HEAD # note the version number
Tools and libraries to manipulate images in many formats
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/imagemagick/7.1.1-17 (807 files, 31MB) * # first part is the local folder
x x x
Virtual Environment
Update .env
whenever imagemagick
The shared dependency is based on MAGICK_HOME
folder. This can't seem to be
fetched by python (at least in 3.11) so we need to help it along by explicitly
declaring its location. The folder can change when a new version is installed
via brew upgrade imagemagick
Create an .env file and use the folder as the environment variable MAGICK_HOME
This configuration allows pdfplumber
to detect imagemagick
Effect of not setting MAGICK_HOME
>>> import pdfplumber
>>><(testpath>).pages[0].to_image(resolution=300) # ERROR
OSError: cannot find library; tried paths: []
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
ImportError: MagickWand shared library not found.
You probably had not installed ImageMagick library.
Try to install:
brew install freetype imagemagick
>>> import pdfplumber
PIL.Image.Image # image library and type detected
Create environment using poetry install
python = "^3.11"
python-dotenv = "^1.0"
pdfplumber = "^0.9"
pillow = "^9.5"
opencv-python = "^4.7"
pytesseract = "^0.3.10"
Ensure inclusion of pytest-env
Add to pyproject.toml
See resources:
RUN apt update \
&& apt install -y \
build-essential wget pkg-config \
libxml2-dev zlib1g-dev \
ghostscript tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-fra \
libjpeg62-turbo-dev libtiff-dev libpng-dev libsm6 libxext6 ffmpeg libfontconfig1 libxrender1 libgl1-mesa-glx libfreetype6-dev \
&& apt clean
RUN mkdir -p /tmp/distr && \
cd /tmp/distr && \
wget$IM_VER.tar.xz && \
tar xvf ImageMagick-$IM_VER.tar.xz && \
cd ImageMagick-$IM_VER && \
./configure --enable-shared=yes --disable-static --without-perl && \
make && \
make install && \
ldconfig /usr/local/lib && \
cd /tmp && \
rm -rf distr
RUN if [ -f $IM_POLICY ] ; then sed -i 's/<policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PDF" \/>/<policy domain="coder" rights="read|write" pattern="PDF" \/>/g' $IM_POLICY ; else echo did not see file $IM_POLICY ; fi
The Dockerfile is intended for testing purposes:
Github Actions
Note that both tesseract
and imagemagick
libraries are also made preconditions in .github/workflows/main.yaml
# see
- name: Install tesseract
run: sudo apt-get -y update && sudo apt-get install -y tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-fra
- name: Print tesseract version
run: echo $(tesseract --version)
# see
- name: Install ghostscript & imagemagick
run: sudo apt update && sudo apt install ghostscript libmagickwand-dev
- name: Remove policy.xml
run: sudo rm /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml # this needs to be removed or the test won't run